When I Think About Research

talking preschoolers

talking preschoolers

The why’s of this research

My research simulation is based on preschool children’s social development. Because I believe that children develop more socially when they have the ability to explore the classroom freely using materials and socializing with who and when they would like to, I believe that many teachers try to prevent conversation between children. When teachers are doing this, I feel that it is hampering the children’s social development. I know many teachers that establish centers, and activities that help them to get the work done that they as teachers need to accomplish. However, I believe when a classroom is established, it should be designed and stocked with things that support the children. Just as High Scope explains, when materials are available and the child can choose how they manipulate them, and they are able to freely communicate their needs, feelings, discoveries, and ideas through motions, gestures, facial expressions, and sounds. Children learn by the ability to make their own choice. I believe that teachers that support these ideas in their classroom and allow open active participatory learning, support students in their social development.

Talking Preschoolers

Talking Preschoolers

Who Benefits From Research?

If I were to conduct my simulation proposal, I believe the biggest audience benefiting would be the children who were lucky enough to have their teachers and parents accept and practice this idea of allowing children the experience of gaining language skills through their own explorations.

Preschoolers exploring

Preschoolers exploring

Changing Perceptions

Some of the ways my perceptions of an early childhood professional have been modified as a result of this course is a bigger, better understanding of the hard work and effort that it takes to assemble a study. Also, I believe that I am able to examine resources in a completely different way.


  1. Allison Giles Reply

    I have loved viewing your posts and simulation ideas, since the beginning of this course. I do think it has truly helped us to gain insight into the vast world of research. I also agree play is so beneficial for children’s development and letting children explore freely, is a big part of that. Thank you for all your insight on my work this course as well. I hope to work with you again. Good luck!!
    -Allison Giles

  2. Paola Pared Reply


    It has been a pleasure being able to share our thoughts and goals on a platform that allows us to express ourselves freely and nonjudgemental. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on research in the early childhood field. Wishing you the very best in all your future endeavors.

    Paola Pared

  3. Sandra Branch Reply

    Your Blog was awesome, I really enjoyed reading it. You shared some very informative and great material. Children will benefit a great deal from the development by being themselves and practicing self-esteem and self-discipline throughout the social development process.
    Sandra Branch

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About This Teacher

Hello and welcome!  This blog belongs to a mom, teacher, and a student.  When I was in my 20’s I had no clue how to get to where I wanted to be in life.  Having gone through a devastating divorce that included domestic violence so bad it forced me to become homeless with my sons.  I have reinvented myself into who I am today.  My boys are now 9 and 11.  They have gave me what I was missing.  With the skill I gained in becoming their mother, I found my motivation to pursue my dream, teaching.  They were there that day, cheering me on as I walked across the stage and received my Associates degree and a year later, my Bachelor degree in Early Childhood.  Now I teach preschool for the Great Start Readiness Program in Michigan.  I just remarried this summer in Key West FL, to a man that loves me and the boys and is our biggest supporter.  We live in Michigan where we enjoy hiking, biking, yoga, traveling and laughing.

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