Tags » water

Mpemba Effect – boiling water freezes mid air

We experimented with boiling water and sub-zero freezing cold temperatures. This video captures us throwing different amounts of boiling water infused with color dyes into the air to see what happened. We used slow-mo video to record the action as the water almost instantly freezes, evaporates and dissipates.

More about Save the Children…

Where some of the links lead…

All over the world, including the United States, a lot of what is happening in current news ends up here on this site.  I believe it is because with every action is a reaction.  They focus on helping all children all over the world.   The support going to the children are not only to help some stay alive, but it is to support them academically so they can make better lives for themselves.

In searching around the Save the Children website, I found out a lot of the recent attacks on Syria.  There is a civil war going on in Syria, recently there was a chemical attack on their own country.  In the most recent article written by Save the Children, it reports that reports of a suspected chemical weapons attack in Douma, Eastern Ghouta. While they can’t confirm what happened on Saturday night, it is clear that once again children have been killed and injured in indiscriminate attacks. Their partners report helping children who were choking, foaming at the mouth and convulsing in a chaotic situation.  Many of the children have already been living in underground shelters and for the past 5 years have been under repeated attacks.

In searching one of the areas, I found…

In New Guinea there are 40% of children out of school.  Children in New Guinea are growing up without the opportunity to learn skills they need to improve their lives and break out of poverty.  This is why Save the Children works in New Guinea, making education a cornerstone.  Incorporating HIV and AIDS education and health initiatives to help children lead longer, healthier lives.

New Guines faces many challenges including

  • 22% literacy rate for girls 15 years and older
  • 94 out of 1000 children die before their 5th birthday
  • 28% of children are engaged in child labor
  • 28% of people live in poverty

So far to this date, Save the Children has protected 111,994 from harm.


In the newsletter, the new information available is…

They need more donations so they can help more children.  The video below shows some of the help that they provide.

The website or the e-newsletter contains information that adds to your understanding of equity and excellence in early care and education by…

Save the Children focuses on what is important in childhood.  Not only are they providing assistance, food, shelter, medical care, mental health care, and skills to those in need, but when they provide this, these are skills that are passed onto the next generations.  Children and families living with traumatic experiences due to, toxic stress, chronic poverty, distressful experiences due to a natural disaster or some other kind of devastation, Save the Children provides children with immediate and long-term emotional support, enabling their recovery while fostering their resilience.  Just in the United States alone, 85,000 children have been helped.


The other new insights about issues and trends in the early childhood field I gained this week from exploring the website and/or the e-newsletter are…

Trauma can disrupt a child’s development, across the United States children face a wide array of risk factors, each with the potential to disrupt healthy social, emotional, academic, and physical development.  According to the National Center for Child Poverty, up to 90% of children and youth experience trauma.  In my state alone, they have recently helped the children and families of the Flint Water.

See the Page below…




About This Teacher

Hello and welcome!  This blog belongs to a mom, teacher, and a student.  When I was in my 20’s I had no clue how to get to where I wanted to be in life.  Having gone through a devastating divorce that included domestic violence so bad it forced me to become homeless with my sons.  I have reinvented myself into who I am today.  My boys are now 9 and 11.  They have gave me what I was missing.  With the skill I gained in becoming their mother, I found my motivation to pursue my dream, teaching.  They were there that day, cheering me on as I walked across the stage and received my Associates degree and a year later, my Bachelor degree in Early Childhood.  Now I teach preschool for the Great Start Readiness Program in Michigan.  I just remarried this summer in Key West FL, to a man that loves me and the boys and is our biggest supporter.  We live in Michigan where we enjoy hiking, biking, yoga, traveling and laughing.

Please follow & like us :)
