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Thank you Mr. Rogers – 6990 Wee



Deeply felt learnings from this program are not hard to find in my heart.   One of the most important pieces of this adventure is collaboration.  When great minds focus on something together that they find important.  Anything can happen!  Finding my passion in early childhood and knowing how important it is to share with others has been a dream come true for me.

Just like Mr. Rodgers, feet in this pool, I have submerged myself into my passion for early childhood and have found only greatness in sharing my thoughts, ideas, and energies with others who share the same.

horse water

horse water

Another thing I have picked up along the way is adult motivation.  I have at times had sleepless nights thinking of how to motivate the unmotivated adult.  And the simple truth is, some people are just not going to be on the same page as me.  I believe in learning this, I have pushed myself to be where I am today.  If everything went as planned, there would be no self-motivation and everyone would stay the same.  Including myself.

Another lesson is that if adult learners do not experience learning on their own, they may not retain the information the same as if it was handed to them.  Sometimes experiences teach more than instructors words.

My long term goal in early childhood is to be more like Fred Rogers, remind children of how much they are loved, and to stay positive.

This is my bird blue.  Just like Mr. Rogers, he wants you to respect your neighbor.

About This Teacher

Hello and welcome!  This blog belongs to a mom, teacher, and a student.  When I was in my 20’s I had no clue how to get to where I wanted to be in life.  Having gone through a devastating divorce that included domestic violence so bad it forced me to become homeless with my sons.  I have reinvented myself into who I am today.  My boys are now 9 and 11.  They have gave me what I was missing.  With the skill I gained in becoming their mother, I found my motivation to pursue my dream, teaching.  They were there that day, cheering me on as I walked across the stage and received my Associates degree and a year later, my Bachelor degree in Early Childhood.  Now I teach preschool for the Great Start Readiness Program in Michigan.  I just remarried this summer in Key West FL, to a man that loves me and the boys and is our biggest supporter.  We live in Michigan where we enjoy hiking, biking, yoga, traveling and laughing.

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